A Jayantian State Of Mind

A Jayantian State Of Mind

What it truly means to be a Jayantian.

We stand at the end of another year that in retrospect seemed long and arduous, yet every day seemed to fly by faster than the previous. Year endings are the perfect time to reflect and reminisce, and I find myself doing more of that as I’ve entered my final semester, here at Kristu Jayanti.

The last two and a half years have been anything but ordinary. I entered the portals of this college quite reserved and uncertain, but with an expectant heart and my own ambitious dreams. The dreams have remained, now only soaring higher than before. But one thing that undoubtedly was and is being transformed is my perspective towards life.

 Life at KJC is a microcosm of the real world. Around every corner is an exciting opportunity to meet fascinating new people as teachers and as friends, each with unique backgrounds and powerful stories to share. The spirit of multiculturalism and ethnic diversity is one that is celebrated without inhibitions. Individuals from different faiths and from foreign lands, all co-exist in pursuit of similar goals of academic growth and holistic development. And it is truly mesmerizing to watch their journey map out around me.  I’ve had the pleasure of meeting people I would never have engaged in conversation with, outside of the context of this college setting. And with every new person you meet, your understanding of the world is broadened and your sensitivity is heightened. Both are valuable traits for someone looking to make a real difference in the world.

Another feature that thrives in this college’s atmosphere is a thirst for excellence. It is evident in every detail, from the working of the management down the functioning and discipline seen in the organization of fests. Almost nothing is left to chance; every aspect of an event is thoroughly thought-out and meticulously planned. Even the little things are done with perfection, a quality that you can see being imbibed by students even from their initial dealings with the college. This stands out in stark comparison to the ‘anything goes’ culture that is so often attributed to our generation. Yet again, the Jayantian state of mind works differently. I see a passion to make a mark and leave a legacy. This is a quality that exists as a culture within this campus. It starts with the pioneers at the helm of this institution and trickles down to every latest admission, seeking to develop from the Jayantian experience.

And finally, I find an insatiable desire for growth. In the years I have been here, the college has changed in leaps and bounds. Kristu Jayanti prides itself in addressing the challenges faced by the students, constantly adapting to the environment within and around the college. Normally, you would expect that such tremendous expansion is accompanied by confusion and miscalculation. But Kristu Jayanti College has grown gracefully. It is not where it was a few years ago and not where it would like to be a few years from now. I’ve learned that any kind of positive growth is a reflection of the healthy environment around it that has nourished its development. That is the environment I find myself growing in. That is the state of mind I seem to have now acquired. It is a mindset of acceptance, excellence and growth- what I would like to call the Jayantian state of mind.


Nisha Rebecca Eapen


